Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Public Service Announcement

Since the best part of having a blog is using it as a bully pulpit, I will begin with the thing I most often find myself wanting to shout in public places:

Ladies, there's nothing you can catch from the toilet seat. Nothing. Not from sitting on it, anyway. In fact, you are more likely to come in contact with nasty germs as you turn the doorknob on your way out of the loo...or as you eat the food that's been touched by half a dozen hands before it lands in front of you...or as you tongue wrestle with that guy you picked up at the bar. So, for the love of god, stop being a priss and SIT DOWN.

Or, at the very least, if you really feel you must hover (and I swear some of you are doing the fucking lambada in there), wipe the seat. It'll take you three seconds, and it will save the rest of us from having to A) clean up after your skanky ass or B) hunt you down and kill you like a dog in the street after sitting in your pee for the millionth time.

Thank you for your cooperation.


At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

L, I didn't know you blogged, but I LOVE THIS. This is a total pet peeve of mine. People are too paranoid of germs, and wiping someone else's piss off a seat before you sit down - nasty.


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